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We make it our purpose to ensure you look the best online. Loan Site Plus™ has an expanding library of mortgage website designs to choose from. We are frequently adding new and updated selections.
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Mortgage Broker Tools

Mortgage Broker Tools

A mortgage broker is a middleman between the home buyer and the various lenders so therefore they need to use all of their mortgage tools to their advantage. A mortgage broker is also someone who is affiliated with multiple lenders. This helps the homebuyer because then their credit wouldn't have to be pulled more then once. The mortgage broker would pull the credit then shop it around to the lenders that are more then likely to say yes. By not pulling credit that often then the buyer's credit score doesn't get affected that much.

A mortgage broker's tools may also include a mortgage calculator. A mortgage calculator would allow a home buyer the opportunity to know how much their monthly payments would be based upon certain criteria they entered. This will help them determine if they can afford the home they are looking to buy.

A mortgage broker's tools may also include the ability to negotiate a better interest rate for the buyer. Most lenders have interest rates that are rarely negotiated but the mortgage broker can negotiate the rate because they are using more then one lender. This helps the buyer to find the lowest rate possible and thereby helps them to reduce their monthly payments and interest. A mortgage broker can be very helpful for those who are purchasing a home for the first time and don't know that much about the home buying process. This can ease the process and make it a bit easier for the buyer.

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